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Showing posts from May, 2023

Long Covid symptoms trimmed from more than 200 to 12 in new study

A loss of taste or smell tops the list.

Good news alert – tawny owl baby boom in north of England forest

It's all thanks to a booming vole population (aka dinner).

Why does ChatGPT keep lying? (Clue: It doesn’t – it’s hallucinating)

Take everything it says with a pinch of salt.

Ancient Egyptian necropolis reveals more stunning finds – including mummification workshop

A brightly-coloured sarcophagus is among the treasures.

Meet Samsung’s man on a mission to help the world sleep better

'Sleep really has oversized implications on our health'

The Saturday science quiz – test your knowledge of the week’s news

One woman in Scotland has a superpower - do you know what it is?

Why AI could be the secret to better money management

Plum – which you can download on App Store or Google Play - is a smart money app that uses the power of AI to automate saving, budgeting and investing.

When is the Open AI ChatGPT app released and is it free?

You could be chatting to Artificial Intelligence on your phone in the near future.

Netflix begins UK password crackdown with email reminder to account sharers

Get ready to pay up.

Fossils reveal sabre-toothed beast that went extinct 250,000,000 years ago

The creature called Inostrancevia was a 'top predator'.

2,000,000 people dead from extreme weather since 1970, says report

Nearly one million of those deaths happened in Asia.

WhatsApp’s Chat Lock feature is more than an upgrade for cheaters

Digital privacy is the bigger issue here.

The Saturday science quiz – test your knowledge of the week’s news

Nasa has found a new planet - but what might it be covered in?

Judge issues scathing assessment of farmer who destroyed river – but reduces his sentence

John Price was sentenced to a year in jail last month for 'ecological vandalism on an industrial scale'.

Fire helped human evolution – and Europeans started using it earlier than thought

We've been firestarters for 250,000 years.

ChatGPT boss Sam Altman concerned about use of AI to mess with elections

He said AI could cause 'significant harm' to the world,

It wasn’t just hot ash and toxic air – Pompeii victims had to deal with earthquakes too

It was a rough day.

I tested the new Dyson Zone around London – here’s how it went

It's a head-turner.

No killer asteroids heading our way for 1,000 years. Probably

We won't be following the dinosaurs just yet.

Pesticides and fertilisers leaving birds without enough food for their chicks

Numbers have fallen 25% on average.

Google Pixel 7a review: The best camera on a budget phone yet

At £449, the Pixel 7a packs a punch.

Celebrating 50 years since Skylab took off from Earth and into the record books

It made history.

Kate Winslet: ‘We don’t want to lie awake, terrified for our children’s mental health’

The actress used her Bafta speech to call for harmful online content to be criminalised.

Forget The Last Of Us – are brain-altering fungi the next frontier in mental health care?

This fungi is a also good guy.

I wouldn’t be able to function as an adult without the Notes app

Without it, I'd have a shopping list written on my hand and an important note on a tissue that I'd absentmindedly use to wipe my son's snot.

The Saturday science quiz – test your knowledge of the week’s news

What's up with koalas this week?

Astronomers have spotted the biggest cosmic explosion ever seen

Don't worry, it took place nearly eight billion light years away.

Will this AI-powered dating app put an end to ghosting?

Teaser AI uses bots to screen potential matches and do the small talk.

Brit pleads guilty to ‘malicious’ hacking of celebrity Twitter accounts

Joe Biden, Elon Musk and Kim Kardashian were all victims.

LinkedIn is firing over 700 staff and shutting down China app

The changes will create 250 new jobs that fired staff can apply to.

Nasa thinks 4 of Uranus’ moons might hold water

Titania and Oberon could potentially support life.

Mystery Chinese spacecraft returns to Earth after 276 days in orbit

Images of the craft have also yet to be released to the public.

From finding planets to supporting women in tech: how the King’s charity has boosted STEM

Three course graduates share their stories.

Eye of Sauron inspires naming of newly-discovered butterflies

They join a beetle, frog and dinosaur named after the villain.

King Charles III: From ‘dotty’ prince to champion of the environment

Our new monarch is famously committed to nature.

President Biden calls AI execs to White House over safety fears

The CEOs of Google and Microsoft were present.

Slack GPT is the newest AI chatbot that promises to make work easier

Could this be your new work bestie?

Blame it on the sunshine: How the weather really does change the music we want to listen to

Sun's out, upbeat tunes out.

IBM to stop hiring humans for 7,800 jobs that can be done by AI

Roles in HR will likely be the first to go.

Proteins are 10,000 times thinner than a human hair. Scientists have managed to capture them – using light and gold

Using light, would you believe.

I will never get my Twitter blue tick and that’s okay

Getting verified on Twitter meant I had made it in this competitive and highly gatekept industry.