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Showing posts from February, 2023

Snapchat launches its own AI chatbot powered by ChatGPT

Just don't tell it your secrets or follow its advice.

How to watch Venus and Jupiter meet in the night sky this week

Don't forget to look up this week!

Elon Musk fires 200 people in latest round of Twitter layoffs

Even the manager who encouraged staff to #SleepWhereYouWork wasn't spared.

Nasa and SpaceX abort crewed rocket launch 2 minutes before lift-off

4 astronauts were on board the space craft.

UK treated to spectacular display of Northern Lights with more to come tonight

The lights could appear again on Monday night.

A 19-year-old has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s – and no one knows why

The man developed memory problems at 17.

Five emerging online trends you need to know about

Fancy being a 'workfluencer'?

Mummified ancestor of Boris Johnson did not die of syphilis, reveal new scans

She probably died of bacteria previously unknown to science.

Russia launches rocket to ‘rescue’ three astronauts from space station

Their previous ride home had sprung a leak.

People who regularly use laxatives may have greater risk of dementia

Regular laxative users had a 51% increased risk of dementia.

Last glimpse of comet that you won’t be able to see for another 50,000 years

It was spotted from space by a satellite.

2,400-year-old flushable toilet unearthed in ancient Chinese palace

Like modern toilets, it had a flush water drainage system.

Plans unveiled for £1,000,000,000 yacht where scientists can work in luxury

The 215-metre G-Quest can house a small hospital.

Global warming could cause fungi to mutate faster like in The Last of Us, warns study

Rate of mutations were five times higher in fungi raised at body temperature.

Real-life zombies: How rare cases of people ‘coming back to life’ actually happen

Rare - but scary.

International Space Station astronauts share the wonders and weirdness of life in orbit

Snapshot: From spacewalks and awe-inspiring views to hair washing and plant care.

Tesla recalls 362,000 cars over self-driving flaw that could lead to crashes

Another hit to Tesla's grand self-driving ambitions.

Bill Gates joins Rishi Sunak to praise UK’s green start-ups

Green businesses are 'solving the net zero challenge' say the pair.

Jeff Bezos muscles in on Elon Musk’s Mars ambitions with Nasa mission

The billionaire space race just took another turn.

Major phone network reveals £12 social tariff with unlimited data

Around 4.2 million households across the UK could be eligible for the tariff.

Rihanna’s Super Bowl halftime show causes temporary Twitter outage

Her pregnancy announcement broke Twitter.

Nasa finds ‘clearest evidence’ of ancient lake on Mars, raising hopes for alien life

The evidence was found in a place expected to be dry.

AI uses social media likes to create most fanciable people on planet

Easy on the AI.

I’ve been sober for 3 years – an app has been key to my recovery

Armed with the knowledge in the app, I’ve been saving money and accomplishing things I never dreamed possible.

What’s the safest seat on a plane? We asked an aviation expert

Something to keep in mind when booking your next flight.

AI chatbot Bard got answer wrong in promo vid costing Google £100,000,000,000

It posted a short GIF video of Bard on Twitter, promising it would help simplify complex topics, but it instead got the answer wrong.

Zoom cuts 1,300 jobs as demand driven by Covid pandemic slows

Impacted Zoomies will be informed via email.

Google’s new AI chatbot, Bard, set to take on ChatGPT

Bard will 'soon' be integrated into the Google's search engine.

Elon Musk says Starship launch attempt will happen in March

The launch will depend on remaining tests going well.

Is Nasa’s all-electric plane the future of emissions-free flying?

We need to find a fossil fuel-free way of flying.

A look back at the 747 golden era as the aviation world says goodbye ‘Queen of the Skies’

Ladies and gentlemen, please replace your trays to the upright position and fasten your seatbelts as the final Boeing 747 prepares for take off.  The last ever jumbo jet to be built was delivered to US air cargo operator Atlas Air this week, marking the end of a ‘golden era’ of jet travel.  Plane enthusiasts, aviation workers and actor John Travolta, who is licensed to fly 747s, all gathered at a ceremony in Washington to witness the iconic jet’s trip to the clouds.   Speaking at the landmark occasion, Travolta, who learned to fly the 747-400 as an ambassador for Qantas Airlines, said ‘[It was] the toughest program that any commercial pilot will ever have to endure’, and called the jet the ‘most well thought out and safest aircraft ever built.’ The 747-8 is the 1,574th Boeing to be built since Pan Am’s Clipper Young America first soared in 1970. But with airlines wanting cheaper, more fuel efficient two-engine planes (the 747 has four), the so-called ‘Queen of the Skies’ no

‘Stonehenge of the North’, built in 3500 to 2500 BC, opens up to the public

The site consists of three giant, circular earthworks or 'henges'.

Oldest vertebrate brain found in 319-million-year-old fossilised fish

The fossil was pulled from a coal mine in England more than a century ago.

Metal detectorist finds gold pendant from Henry VIII’s first marriage

The heart-shaped pendant and chain was found in Warwickshire.

YouTube steps up battle with TikTok with Shorts monetisation

The web's two biggest video platforms are going toe-to-toe in order to woo creators.

‘A searing chapter of my life’: Remembering the Columbia tragedy 20 years on

Seven crew perished.