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Showing posts from December, 2022

Leftovers from China’s last rocket launch could be falling back to the earth

The debris poses danger to ships, aircraft and fishing boats in the area.

Comet last seen by Neanderthal’s set to return to night sky in the new year

It only makes an appearance once every 50,000 years.

How do electric cars deal with the cold weather?

Spoiler alert: not well.

Turtles are thriving in Cyprus thanks to the British Armed Forces

The conservation work is carried out by volunteers made up of military and civilian personnel.

Emergency services inundated by false alarms from skiers’ iPhones

71 automated crash notifications were sent from skiers' iPhones.

Tech moguls lost a combined £344,000,000,000 in 2022

Anyone want to start a gofundme page for them?

Twitter Blue subscribers can now upload 60-minute videos

Another perk if you're willing to pay Elon Musk £8 a month.

Supply chain issues and economic pressure made 2022 a tough year for tech

This economic downturn came as the industry wrestled with supply chain issues and chip shortages.

How to make a Twitter bot

Here's a little project for the Christmas holiday...

5 essential apps to download to your new iPhone or iPad for 2023

The Christmas app store essentials you need to download to your shiny new iOS device.

Where is Santa right now? How to track Father Christmas around the world

Santa is on his way...

Watch robot dogs decorate a Christmas tree because machines feel festive too

Everyone's favourite robotic canines are at it again with another Christmas-themed stunt.

Sharing your Netflix account is officially now a criminal offence

Password sharing for streaming accounts may amount to 'secondary copyright infringement'.

Whatsapp releases new feature to save you from embarassing situations

The 'Accidental Delete' feature comes to the rescue.

Devastating shockwave from the sun cracks Earth’s protective magnetosphere

The power of the shockwave formed a crack that could let damaging solar winds flow through.

Massive animal shapes dating back 2,000 years found carved into hillside in Peru

Scientists found 168 new designs at the UNESCO World Heritage site on Peru's southern Pacific coast.

Nasa telescopes find two alien planets covered in water

Sadly, the planets are not located in the habitable zone.

Apple tipped to allow third-party app stores onto the iPhone

Allowing alternative app stores on the iPhone would be a huge change for the tech giant.

The ISS will be visible with the naked eye as it passes above UK this week

It's not just Father Christmas that'll be passing overhead later this week.

Elon Musk asks Twitter users if he should quit as CEO

So far, a majority has voted 'Yes'.

An automatic feeder has saved my relationship with my cat

Ghost used to interrupt Zoom calls with his bushy tail, yowl into the laptop microphone, or try to jump out of windows in search of food.

Blue Origin’s next generation ‘Orbital Reef’ station is the future of the commercial space race

The ambitious space station could house a space hotel and movie studio.

Coolant leak on Russian craft docked to the ISS marks ‘serious situation’

A stream of liquid was spewing from a docked Russian spacecraft.

Revealed: the most-asked Alexa questions of 2022

The Amazon virtual assistant has been answering some questions more than others this year.

Wikipedia founder confirms site’s future amid speculation over Elon Musk purchase

Is a Musk-owned Wikipedia in our future?

World’s first ‘artificial womb facility’ is creepy glimpse of pregnancy in the future

A single building could incubate up to 30,000 lab-grown babies per year.

Elon Musk says Twitter to increase character limit from 280 to 4000

Are you ready for tweets the size of essays?

Nasa successfully completes Artemis I flight around the moon

A crewed Artemis II flight around the moon could happen in 2024.

I was too worried about my baby to sleep – until I put a smart sock on him

I genuinely believe the Owlet has saved my son’s life.

We’re addicted to this website that lets you simulate an asteroid hitting earth

You can pick the impact site, size and type of space rock you want to simulate.

Online safety: what young people think about social media, tech regulation and adults ‘overreacting’

Here are just some of the thoughts from children and young people on what they think the most pressing issues are.

WhatsApp unveils profile avatars – here’s how to create yours

WhatsApp has followed Snapchat's Bitmoji success and introduced its own avatar option.

Heathrow airport has employed a robot dog called Dave

Dave is tasked with providing 3D laser scans of refurbishments at the airport.

Agencies and experts gather in Abu Dhabi to debate the future of space

Around 70 nations have their own space agencies.

More crypto firms will go out of business, claims top finance CEO

The BlackRock chief executive had some tough words for cryptocurrency companies.

Man receives £9,500 bionic arm after shooting himself as a child

The custom-made limb boasts myoelectric sensors to detect underlying muscular contractions.

Colour changing lightbulbs are the bit of tech I can’t live without

Changing the glow in my home can genuinely nudge me into feeling more productive, focused, energised, calm, sleepy, happy or excited.

The everyday impact of accessible tech is too often ignored – but it can’t be overstated

Apple and Google are both marking International Day of Persons with Disabilities with a spotlight on accessibility tech.

Tesla delivers its first electric truck, three years after promised deadline

Musk said Tesla would aim to produce 50,000 trucks in 2024.

Mysterious blast of light came from a black hole annihilating a star

The distant star was 'squeezed like a toothpaste tube' by the black hole, say astronomers.

Alzheimer’s breakthrough signals ‘beginning of the end’ in search for treatment

Phase three clinical trial results have shown a new drug reduces memory decline among patients with early stages of the disease.