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Showing posts from March, 2022

Apple and Facebook unknowingly shared user data with hackers, says report

The companies gave up the data in response to forged legal requests by hackers.

80-million-year old dinosaur eggs finally identified as Titanosaur’s

20 eggs measuring 12 centimetres in diameter were found in Brazil.

WhatsApp just introduced some handy updates to voice messaging

7 billion voice notes are exchanged on Whatsapp everyday.

Enormous star 13,000,000,000 light years away is ‘oldest ever discovered’

Its light has only just reached Earth, we're seeing it around 900m years after the Big Bang.

Facebook drives climate sceptics down disinformation rabbit hole, finds study

Disinformation is one of the biggest threats to addressing climate change.

How to update Google Chrome on your Android phone

An emergency update has been created to fix a newly-discovered security flaw.

Bizarre alien-like creature washes up on Australian beach

What is it?

Dyson unveils ‘purifying’ headphones to protect you from noise and air pollution

Dyson says the Dyson Zone headphones will go on sale in the autumn but hasn't revealed a price yet.

Nasa’s first tourism mission to the ISS delayed

The launch is now scheduled for Wednesday, 6 April.

Google issues warning to billions of Chrome users to update it right now

If you're a Google Chrome user, stop what you're doing and update your browser.

Methane holds the key to finding alien life, claim scientists

The powerful greenhouse gas is emitted by microbes and would give the best indicator of life on a planet.

Mystery corpses were ‘well-connected’ individuals from the Dark Ages, forensics shows

Forensic analysis on 14 dead bodies has revealed their ancient history.

This 4-word Facebook Messenger phishing scam is surging right now

Don't get fooled.

Electric cars could be charged in just nine seconds with new quantum tech

Drivers could charge an electric car faster than filling up at a petrol station.

Sun seen in unprecedented detail thanks to Brit-built spacecraft

The highest resolution image of the sun's full disc and outer atmosphere ever taken.

Ancient sarcophagus found under Notre Dame cathedral in Paris

The lead sarcophagus probably belonged to a high dignitary from the 14th century.

Anonymous claims it has taken out Russia’s national security agency

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation is the main successor agency to the Soviet Union's KGB.

Seagulls remember where they get the best fish and chips, study finds

And they travel hundreds of miles to revisit a specific chippy.

You can finally unlock your iPhone with a mask on

The long-awaited feature is available on iPhone 12 and later with iOS 15.4 and later.

Even a mild Covid infection can cause increased inflammation in immune cells, study says

Inflammation is a key aspect of how our bodies respond to infection.

What is Pi Day? Here’s why maths fans celebrate March 14

March 14 is also the birth date of celebrated physicist Albert Einstein.

Elon Musk challenges Vladimir Putin to face him in ‘single combat’

The richest man in the world against the brutal president of Russia.

US astronaut faces being abandoned on International Space Station by Russia

Mark Vande Hei, an American astronaut, is due to return from the ISS on March 30 on board a Russian Soyuz spacecraft.

Why Dubai is the hottest new destination for remote workers?

The Middle East's answer to Silicon Valley.

YouTube blocks Russian state-funded media channels worldwide

YouTube is also removing content that 'minimises or trivialises well-documented violent events'.

Russia moves to block Instagram, calls Meta an ‘extremist organisation’

'For young Moscow elites it’s.. everything'.

Russia will allow businesses to steal patents from ‘unfriendly countries’

Russian businesses could operate using trademarked names like McDonald’s and Starbucks.

Would Putin use nuclear weapons? An arms control expert explains what has and hasn’t changed since the invasion of Ukraine

The threats come amid the fraying of nuclear arms control agreements between the two nuclear superpowers.

Rising screen use during pandemic ‘endangering children’s health’

Digital devices have been linked to shortsightedness, eye strain and binocular instability.

Ukraine prepares to move sensitive data away from Russian forces

Russia could used the sensitive data to control Ukraine in case of capture.

Google employee outlines how the tech giant is embracing flexibile working

Google says employees only need to be in the office three days a week.

Amazon tribes rarely get dementia — which may help us all

Only about one per cent of older individuals are affected — less than anywhere else on Earth.

Mountain gorillas ‘could die from thirst as they are more susceptible to climate change’

The only two populations left have been seen desperately trying to find water in more unusual places.

Terrifying spider species found to hunt in packs and co-ordinate attacks on prey

These spiders take down their prey in packs using specialised vibrations felt through the web.

Covid brain is real: Study shows virus shrinks regions of the brain

Researchers at the University of Oxford have confirmed that, in some cases, Covid can literally shrink regions of the human brain.

Twitter rolls out NFT profile pictures to all users

NFT profile pictures will appear as hexagonal images.

Weird prehistoric squid with 10 arms named after Joe Biden

The creature is the oldest ancestor of cephalopods - which also includes the octopus.

The cheapest iPhone you can buy just got a big upgrade

Apple has updated the iPhone SE with a new processor and 5G connectivity.

Amazon suppliers linked to forced labour camps in China

A new report has named five Amazon suppliers linked to forced labour in China.

Pig oinks have been translated into emotions for the first time

A 'pig translator' developed by scientists could be put to use improving animal welfare.

People should eat bugs and use poo to grow crops, scientists suggest

Insect poo, that is - not human poo.

Single blood test for over 50 different genetic diseases developed

An international team hailed it as a 'gamechanger' and it could be in clinical use in two years.

Lead pollution ‘has reduced the mental powers of more than one in two people’

Putting them at an increased risk of Alzheimer's and other neuro-degenerative and cardiovascular diseases.

Covid-19: Risk of severe disease could be in your blood, research finds

There are biological factors involved in Covid that are less well understood.

TikTok limits services in Russia following ‘fake news’ law

The new law threatens up to 15 years in jail for offenders.

Spear-boned beast, thought to be one of the earliest dinosaurs, unearthed in China

Believed to be one of the oldest members of the iconic Stegosaurs.

Amazon rainforest is reaching ‘tipping point’, researchers say

Over 50% of the Amazon rainforest could become arid grassland.

Young Brits a nation of photo hoarders with ten million snaps on phones

Are you an 'image hoarder'?

How big is Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant and could it be another Chernobyl?

Russian forces have captured Europe's biggest nuclear power plant.

BBC ‘blocked in Russia’ after being criticised by Kremlin for coverage of Ukraine conflict

People are having trouble accessing it in Russia.