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Showing posts from December, 2021

WFH? Here’s why storing passwords on your browser might be a bad idea

Hackers can steal passwords stored on your browser with malware costing just £111.

Prominant vaccine scientist banned from Twitter for spreading anti-vaxx content

Dr Robert Malone is the self-proclaimed 'inventor of the mRNA vaccine' technology.

Stanford study finds possible cure for severe depression with 80% effectiveness

The treatment is an intensive, individualised form of magnetic brain stimulation.

Scientists reconstruct the formation of Earth’s core for the first time

Core blimey.

The state of the UK’s seas revealed in annual marine biology report

The Wildlife Trusts, a coalition of regional charities, has released its marine review of the year.

Almost 20,000 new Bitcoin ATMs installed in 2021

More than 50 Bitcoin ATMs are being added every day.

7 things you didn’t know your new iPhone could do

There are several useful features tucked away in the iPhone's Accessibility settings.

Dinosaur footprints found on Welsh beach are over 200 million years old

The series of markings left behind by a group of long-necked dinosaurs are being studied by scientists.

Paris Hilton announces metaverse NYE party on her Roblox virtual island

Paris Hilton is all set to play an electronic set for digital revellers on her virtual island on Roblox.

James Webb Space Telescope completes crucial next step, Nasa says

According to Nasa, the next few days will 'ultimately determine the mission’s ability to succeed'.

Children as young as 5 exposed to cartoon stabbings on YouTube Kids

In a matter of clicks, kids can be shown material unsuitable for children.

Russia puts ultra-secret, satellite-killing missile into combat duty

State news agencies say the S-550 missile has 'entered combat duty'.

Mummy of Egyptian pharaoh digitally ‘unwrapped’ after 3,000 years

Scientists have used non-invasive imaging to see inside the burial wrappings of the Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep I.

Watch out for ‘child in need’ Whatsapp scams as parents get duped out of £50,000

Scammers on Whatsapp are posing as distressed children in need of immediate cash.

Elon Musk’s SpaceX satellites heavily criticised after two nearly crash into Chinese space station

Elon Musk's Starlink satellites nearly collided with the Chinese Space Station twice this year.

Shiba Inu beats Bitcoin as the most popular crypto of 2021

Shiba Inu coin is currently the 13th largest cryptocurrency in the world.

Alexa suggests lethal TikTok challenge to 10-year-old

The Amazon Echo Dot suggested the dangerous TikTok 'outlet challenge' to the 10-year-old

Japanese professor creates ‘lickable’ TV screen to taste different food flavours

The TV screen allows people to taste food flavours when licked, to create a multi-sensory viewing experience.

Some Android phones have a bug that prevents them calling the police

A bug in Google's code has prevented some users in the US from being able to call the emergency services.

Amazon is shutting down its Alexa service

Not the voice assistant, the other one.

‘Extraordinarily rare’ giant phantom jellyfish stuns deep-sea researchers

Deep-diving scientists capture incredible footage of one of the ocean's most elusive creatures.

Supposed founder of Bitcoin wins £40 billion legal battle

Craig Wright won a court case against the family of his late business partner.

When was Dolly the sheep cloned and is she still alive?

Dolly may not be ewe-nique, but her legacy is.

The UK will switch off 2G and 3G phone networks soon

It will free up more bandwidth for 5G.

Ancient Peruvian mummy bound with ropes goes on display

The mummy is believed to be between 800 and 1,200 years old.

This is the most used emoji of 2021

The most used emoji of 2021 was the laughing-crying emoji.

Google Year in Search 2021: All the top Google searches for the year

Google has revealed its top trending searches for the last 12 months.

Chinese rover spots ‘mysterious hut’ on the far side of the moon

It's probably not an actual hut.

Green light on your Android phone means you’re being recorded

Google has added a handy indicator to its Android OS to let you know when the camera and microphone are in use.

Liquid hydrogen-powered plane could cross the Atlantic with zero emissions

It is hoped it could fly from London to San Francisco without stopping.

Elon Musk set to be world’s first trillionaire thanks to Starlink

Elon Musk is building the world’s most advanced broadband internet system — Starlink.

3D-printed suicide pods are now legal in Switzerland

Switzerland has allowed assisted suicide with unselfish motives since 1942.

‘World’s most advanced human shaped robot’ built in Cornwall

I, Robot, anyone?

How to take a walk with Prince William today

The Duke of Cambridge is out for a walk today and wants you to join him.

Soon, 1 out of every 15 points of light in the sky will be a satellite

In the near future, one out of every 15 points you can see in the sky will actually be relentlessly crawling satellites.

Covid vaccine co-creator warns next pandemic could be more lethal

Professor Dame Sarah Gilbert says 'this will not be the last time a virus threatens our lives and our livelihoods'.

American debt collectors can now DM defaulters on social media

Debt collectors in the US can now text, email and even DM Americans on social media.

Bitcoin plummets by 20% overnight as markets panic over Omicron strain

Other cryptocurrencies have also taken a big hit.

‘People are profiting from misery’: Inside the shady world of online animal selling

People are peddling banned breeds and deadly exotic animals

European praying mantis could be breeding in UK due to global warming

The carnivorous insect has been spotted in Warwickshire and is thought to be breeding outdoors in the UK.

Chef Aldo Zilli reveals the kitchen gadget that he just can’t live without

It's for Italian cooking, obviously.

If you ever saw an asteroid smash into the moon, it’d look like this

Spectacular animation shows what happens when space rocks collide with the moon.

Microsoft warns billions of Google Chrome users to stop using it now

It wants you to use Edge instead.

Bizarre ‘cheeseburger fish’ discovered by Russian fisherman

As you might expect, the internet loves it.

TikToker’s video shows Siri doesn’t recognise Palestine’s existence

Apple's voice assistant, Siri, was stumped when a TikTok user asked it for the time in Palestine.

Facebook uncovers massive Covid disinformation campaign originating in China

A fake Swiss biologist account started fake claims the US was pushing the WHO to blame the virus on China.

Chinese TV introducing AI sign language presenter at the next Olympics

The Winter Olympics are taking place in Beijing next year.

Robocop-style Covid bot ‘hunts down people breaking social distancing rules’

The mobile robot detects people in crowds who are not observing social-distancing rules, navigates to them, and 'encourages' them to move apart.

Blood clot mystery solved as scientists identify ‘trigger’ from Covid vaccine

Scientists believe they may have found the 'trigger' behind the extremely rare blood clots stemming from the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab.

Who is the new Twitter CEO, Parag Agrawal?

Parag Agrawal, Twitter’s former chief technology officer, has taken the reigns.