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Showing posts from February, 2021

Forests’ capacity to store carbon ‘falling in regions with extreme annual fires’

After 50 years, regions with the most extreme annual fires had 72% lower wooded area, a study has shown

Perseverance shares a stunning 360-degree panorama of the surface of Mars

The picture shows the interior of Jezero Crater, where the rover touched down last week

Amazon’s latest Alexa speaker and a 21st century turntable join our Lust List

The Amazon Echo Show 10 has finally launched here in the UK

Stock trading apps: how do they work and which should you use?

Many platforms now offer a plethora of options - stocks, bonds, options and even cryptocurrencies - for very little or no fee.

Stanford professor reveals the science behind ‘Zoom fatigue’

Sick of video conferencing all the time? There's a very good reason why it's happening

Pfizer vaccine found to be 94% effective against Covid in real-world study

It's the biggest real-world study of its kind.

Toyota begins work on Japanese smart city: cars are banned and robots live in homes

Robots and self-driving cars will restock the fridge, take out the rubbish and remind residents to make doctor's visits.

Nasa hid a coded message on the parachute that delivered Perseverance to Mars

Internet sleuths cracked the clever code from Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Social media anonymity should be banned to prevent online abuse, says Victims’ Commissioner

'It’s very unpleasant indeed and it’s imperative they be brought to justice.'

Want to try living in space? This former nuclear bunker in Poland offers aspiring astronauts the chance

Aspiring astronauts are currently reenacting a moon mission inside a former nuclear bunker

Ecstasy could be used to treat alcoholism, study says

A psychotherapy trial showed ecstasy can help patients come to terms with the causes of their addiction

Spectacular fourth eruption from Mount Etna sends lava 1km into the sky

This latest eruption is the fourth in six days

Nasa shares amazing teaser photo of Mars’s dusty surface shot by its Perseverance rover

Nasa has shared one color photo of the surface of Mars, with far more dramatic imagery set to follow in the coming days and weeks

Adorable koala receives prosthetic foot made by a dentist

Triumph the koala was born without a foot and was rescued from the wild in 2017

Here’s what happens if users don’t accept WhatsApp’s new privacy policy

If you don't opt in, then WhatsApp is going to become pretty useless

Super-rare Amazonian cactus flowers in the UK for possibly the first time ever

Thousands of people from around the world have watching on a YouTube livestream

‘Potentially hazardous’ asteroid taller than Ben Nevis will pass Earth next month

It will zoom by at a safe distance of 1.2 million miles on March 21

WhatsApp is trying to explain its privacy policy update again

The Facebook-owned app said it was the victim of 'misinformation' about upcoming changes

Tailored health tech now includes 3D-printed vitamins and at-home urine tests

Tech-up your check-up

My Tech: Susie Dent on AirPods, Alexa and the online dictionary

The Countdown star talks to us about box sets on her iPod touch and digital dictionaries

Safety concerns over video chat site Omegle as investigation uncovers explicit child videos

Any user browsing Omegle could have connected with these explicit images, including young children.

Facebook removes its own page by mistake in Australia news purge

'Finally they are getting to the root of the problems on the platform'

Greta Thunberg’s critical Mars video says climate change more important than space travel

The video says travelling to Mars is just for the 1%

Bitcoin passes $50,000 as price continues to rise

On Tuesday, February 17, Bitcoin passed the $50,000 mark, as investors piled into the digital currency.

How to watch Nasa land the Perseverance rover on Mars

Nasa will attempt to land the Perseverance rover on the Martian surface tomorrow evening

Bearded woman and vaccine among new emojis coming to your iPhone

The newer, empty syringe will hopefully used to signify vaccinations in a more positive light.

Bill Gates: ‘no precedent’ for lifestyle changes needed to stop climate change

The billionaire philanthropist has written a new book about global warming

What killed the dinosaurs? Harvard scientists have a new theory on devastating impact

A new theory has suggests the dinosaur-killing comet came from the edge of space

Wearable ‘health monitor’ skin patch picks up how much alcohol and caffeine you’ve had

Created for people managing conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes

Fossil from gigantic fish was mistaken for flying reptile

The find was a fragment of a species of coelacanth fish about the size of a great white shark

UAE’s Hope probe beams back its first image of Mars

Capturing the largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons

Photos from space show ‘rivers of gold’ in the Amazon jungle

They're believed to be illegal gold mines in the Peruvian rainforest

Archaeologists unearth ‘world’s oldest’ mass-production brewery

Experts believe it's about 5,000 years old

What is Bumble app and when did it launch?

There's a lot of buzz around the app.

How to do I recall email in Microsoft Outlook?

It's only a few clicks.

Stonehenge mystery deepens as scientists find another connection to Wales

The ancient structure may have been part of a larger stone circle

As pocket money goes digital, the traditional piggy bank’s days look numbered

Budget apps are seen by many as a better way of teaching kids about money

What is a password manager and why do I need one?

After the mother of all leaks was published this week, password managers are more important than ever.

Twitter confirms Donald Trump will stay banned even if he runs for president again

'When you’re removed from the platform, you’re removed from the platform'

Mathematician says all Covid-19 particles in the world would fit into a single coke can

So much misery caused by something so small

Will freezing weather cause my iPhone to shut down?

Plunging temperatures mean the lithium ion batteries inside phones won't be as effective

‘I am not a cat’ – how to get Zoom filters (and take them off)

'I am not a cat'

Ketamine reduces suicidal thoughts in two-thirds of patients, study finds

A small dose of the drug was given orally to people suffering from chronic suicidality

Clubhouse blocked in China after people use it to discuss politics

Chinese users were discussing topics like Taiwan and treatment of the country's Muslim minority

Porton Down scientists testing to see if smartwatches can predict Covid-19

The secretive government lab is developing ways to use the everyday tech to tackle the virus

Another metal monolith mysteriously appears in Turkey

It has the words 'look at the sky, see the moon' written on it in Old Turkic script.

Bitcoin surges as Tesla buys $1.5 billion worth of the cryptocurrency

Elon Musk's electric car company will start accepting the cryptocurrency as payment

‘Breakthrough’ drug from Tel Aviv could cure Covid-19 in 5 days

The EXO-C24 drug has passed Phase 1 trials according to Israeli scientists

Man crowdfunding to send Flat Earther into space to convince them all to change

'This campaign is to prove to flat earthers once and for all that the earth is round!'

UAE ‘Hope’ probe set to enter Mars’ orbit this week

The country's first ever Mars mission will explore the red planet's atmosphere